Timeless. Enduring. Minimalistic.

Coffee table top Ø60cm Coffee table top Ø60cm Coffee table top Ø60cm Coffee table top Ø60cm
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Coffee table top Ø60cm
1.795,00 kr.
PB10 Console Low PB10 Console Low PB10 Console Low PB10 Console Low
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PB10 Console Low
3.495,00 kr.
PB5 Dining Table L PB5 Dining Table L PB5 Dining Table L
Sold Out
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PB5 Dining Table L
11.995,00 kr.
PB7 Daybed PB7 Daybed
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PB7 Daybed
17.995,00 kr.

About Aurnia

Aurnia is a danish furniture brand headquartered in Copenhagen. We a small brand, but we do our best to create timeless and beautiful furniture that can live and grow with us for a long time.

We stand on the shoulders of a proud danish design-tradition and we offer our take on danish simplicity and minimalism. We also aim for durability and renewability in our designs, meaning we like to use materials like stone, steel, wool, birch, marble, strong fabrics and leather and we offer a “spare-part”-design element to most products, meaning you can upgrade, change materials or change colors to make your favorite piece of furniture last even longer.

We also want to use our platform to introduce rising stars within art, ceramic, sculpturing and design. We pride ourselves in having an eye for talent and everything that can bring some added magic to our universe is of course most welcome.


Majka Tkacikova

Explore the unique ceramics sculptures from Majka Tkacikova